Ekaterina Kutsyna: on the “golden age” of video platforms main photo
April 11, 2024

Ekaterina Kutsyna: on the “golden age” of video platforms

At the Digital Brand Day business conference, Ekaterina Kutsyna, Director for Digital Platforms Development at Gazprom-Media Sales House, commented on the convergence in the advertising market and spoke about the transformation of communication technologies and the development of interaction with consumers through video.

The volume of the digital ecosystem market has grown almost fivefold in two years. However, the average profit of Russian ecosystems is almost 60 million times lower than that of global market leaders. This is the basis for predicting multi-fold growth in the future.
Consumers expect to find interesting and relevant content of high quality on modern platforms. Therefore, market players are developing personalized offers for the audience, striving to strengthen the native side of advertising formats. Vendors and platforms are actively using AI and big data technologies to improve their products.
In 2023, PREMIER achieved the highest revenue growth dynamics among video services on the market. Such great results were possible for the online cinema due to the increase in the quantity and quality of original content, the improvement of the recommendation system, and the doubling of the service’s performance speed.
RUTUBE, a Russian video hosting service, also showed growth.
The launch of short video broadcasting from the Yappy platform was well received by the audience.
In the context of the advertising market, convergence can be defined as the interpenetration or unification of different media environments. TV and online platforms are the unified resource of premium, brand-safe video inventory for advertisers. Strength is in synergy. Therefore, the use of both innovative and traditional resources is proving to be the most effective.
From a marketing perspective, it is important to be active at all stages of the sales funnel and to have a variety of communication tools at your disposal. The investments made by large, tech-savvy market players should be used to develop analytics based on big data, AI, and predictive solutions, and of course to implement a 360° strategy. This will allow players to walk side by side with the consumer throughout the entire user journey.
In the coming year, Gazprom-Media Sales House will focus on supporting and promoting young creators in all environments and improving the quality of digital advertising products.

Gazprom-Media Sales House, RUTUBE national video hosting service, and PREMIER online cinema are part of Gazprom-Media Holding.

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