GPM Ads and AST Publishers publish a book based on the TV series “Peace! Friendship! Bubble Gum!” main photo
January 24, 2025

GPM Ads and AST Publishers publish a book based on the TV series “Peace! Friendship! Bubble Gum!”

GPM Ads, in partnership with AST Publishers, has released a novelization based on the cult PREMIER series about the 90s, “Peace! Friendship! Bubble Gum!” Both the print and digital editions are now available at “Chitai-Gorod,” “Litres,” and Ozon across Russia and the CIS.

“Peace! Friendship! Bubble Gum!” (produced by Good Story Media) is a nostalgic hit about the wild 90s that has captured the hearts of millennial and Gen Z readers alike with its heartfelt atmosphere, warm memories, and indescribable spirit of adventure. It is a story about love, friendship, family values, and growing up in a changing world that you want to see unfold both on screen and in the pages of a book. The novelization follows the storyline of the first season and fully preserves the concept of the show, with each chapter corresponding to an episode. The book accurately conveys the atmosphere and spirit of a bygone era when people were fascinated by neon parties, pop culture, and Dr. Alban’s hits. Iconic 90s attributes throughout the story include Turbo chewing gum, soda, Polaroids, VHS tapes, audio cassettes, tracksuits, and decorative wall rugs.
Nostalgia resonates with both millennials, longing for their childhood in the 90s, and Gen Z, who feel a sense of yearning for a time they never actually lived through. This nostalgia is also known as “the Lapenko phenomenon.” The novelization of this beloved series taps into a trending consumer motivation, the desire to hold onto tangible reminders of cherished emotions and memories. These licensed products evoke warm feelings and, in certain situations, remind consumers of their favorite franchises, motivating them to make a purchase.
Nostalgia remains one of the top trends among consumers. This is evidenced by the vast volume of diverse ’90s-inspired content—movies, TV shows, advertising campaigns, and visual design solutions. People strive to preserve their cherished memories in any way they can, making nostalgic techniques and products particularly appealing. In addition to the book, stickers were released in collaboration with AST Publishers, reflecting both the authenticity of the show itself and the unique atmosphere of the ’90s.
The novelization of the popular TV show “Peace! Friendship! Bubble Gum!” continues the growing trend of the past several years of bridging the gap between film production and publishing. For Russian readers, this has become especially relevant since the departure of Hollywood studios, which has created a “content hunger” among audiences. Such projects allow viewers to stay connected to their favorite characters while offering publishers the opportunity to attract new customers from the show’s fan base. We are actively developing our licensing division and have had great success with novelizations, so we are confident that “Peace! Friendship! Bubble Gum!” will also appeal to both readers and viewers.
GPM Ads, PREMIER and Good Story Media are part of Gazprom-Media Holding.

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