October 23, 2024
Audio advertising on the rise in Russia
At the 2024 RadioForum, a GPM Radio expert presented an analysis of the audio advertising market and its key categories.
Held in Moscow, the annual RadioForum NAME is one of the most important advertising events of the fall. Leading industry players shared their on the current state of the audio advertising market and future trends. Yulia Andryushova, Director of Business Communications and Analytics at GPM Radio, GPM Ads expert, provided insights on the evolving landscape of radio advertisers.
According to RACA, radio ranks in the top 3 media by growth rate. This isn’t the first time we’re showing a growth rate above the average market. In the first half of 2024, the audio category grew by 31%, and preliminary results for nine months show even higher growth at 35% in the “Moscow+Network” segment.
The expert identified six primary categories—“Automotive and Related Products,” “Financial Sector/Insurance,” “Digital,” “Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals,” “Retail,” “Real Estate”)—which make up over 80% of the “Moscow+Network” market. One of the main trends was the return of the “Automotive and Related Products” category to the leading position, surpassing “Government Sector” and “Financial Sector” from 2022–2023. According to GPM Radio’s analytics department (part of Gazprom-Media Holding), in the first nine months of 2024, the segment grew by 121%. The growth has been driven by Chinese and Russian car brands, with 36 brands already choosing radio advertising. It is expected that about ten more brands will be joining them soon. The category also saw new clients in “related products,” such as motor oils, tires, etc.
The “Digital” category grew by 36%, and “Financial Sector/Insurance” by 33%. The latter, represented by major players like SBER, VTB, ALFA-BANK, T-BANK, has maintained its 16% share of the total market. Q1 stands out in particular, being the most substantial. “Digital” has reached its highest share in Q2 at 18%, a 70% increase. This category continues to grow, expanding its ecosystem offerings. MTS, including MTS Bank, KION, MTS Business, and others is a good example of this. According to the expert, all sub-companies are placed on the radio as independent brands.
The expansion of ecosystem offerings, the increase in Russian brands, and greater consumer loyalty to local products contribute to the growth of radio as an advertising platform. High demand for inventory and proven effectiveness provide a strong foundation for further development. In the next two years, we expect radio growth rates to remain strong, with total segment growth potentially reaching at least 50%.
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