January 30, 2023

Alexey Krupenin and MIXX Awards experts talk about modern solutions in the advertising market

Industry experts participated in the special project “MIXX opportunities: What solutions are relevant today.”Alexey Krupenin, Director of Key Accounts and Chain Agencies at Gazprom-Media Sales House, highlighted the trends in mobile advertising and commented on the importance of evaluating sales and brand metrics.

How hard has the mobile advertising market been hit by recent changes? What positive trends can we anticipate for mobile advertising in 2023? What should marketers pay attention to when planning their mobile advertising campaigns?
The departure of major advertisers was an “aggravating” circumstance for the mobile advertising market, but we have persevered. The decline that was predicted last spring did not materialize. As a sales house, we are showing growth in the mobile segment and are hopeful for continued positive dynamics. This is attributed to the increase in Runet volume and the rapid penetration of mobile advertising. Trends include personalization of advertising messages, gamification, and the development of engagement mechanics. And of course, verified platforms and high-quality inventory will take precedence.
How do you evaluate the viability of delivering meaningful reports on digital campaigns that have been implemented in the context of inventory reduction? What digital tools are available today that enable advertisers to measure their campaigns in terms of conversions to sales?
As an aggregator and seller of our own platforms, we are not reliant on third-party inventory purchases. Our portfolio includes Rutube, Premier, Wi-Fi-Net, and the websites of Gazprom-Media Holding, all of which have seen significant audience growth over the past year. This has allowed us to bring new advertising opportunities to the market and avoid the challenges associated with inventory reduction. We have also showcased our ability to provide qualitative assessments of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. In 2022, we began actively combining sales-lift and brand-lift metrics, providing transparent analytics, including conversion to sales, in reports to advertisers.

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