March 12, 2024

Alexey Filia: video advertising is extremely important, but in short supply

On February 28, Alexey Filia, Director of Strategy and Advertising Product Development Department at Gazprom-Media Sales House (part of Gazprom-Media Holding), spoke at the CSTB.PRO.MEDIA forum. The speaker shared his vision of the evolution of demand for video advertising with other media industry professionals and talked about how television viewing is changing in Russia.
As part of the session entitled “Interactive Advertising. Trends, Technologies, Tools,” invited experts discussed a wide range of topics: digital content, the development of innovative tech solutions, monetization issues, and market transformation in 2024. They also talked about new strategies and formats, analyzed the results of video research, and presented virtual bloggers and creative insights.
Alexey Filia, Director of Strategy and Advertising Product Development Department at Gazprom-Media Sales House, highlighted the interdependence of the advertising market and the country’s GDP.
In turn, the partial withdrawal of foreign companies from the Russian market or media has prompted local players to take active steps to redistribute the market.
For many advertisers, two types of niches have opened up: some of the empty shelves, which began to be filled by the most agile players, and a temporary vacuum in the media, which was immediately filled by contenders for market redistribution. Capital owners gained the opportunity to strengthen and build new brands in categories previously considered unavailable. The result was a market transformation that will continue for several years.
Video ads remain a key and indispensable tool in the media split, especially for companies that are committed to maintaining “brand immunity” and building new brands on a national scale. The volume of TV inventory is stable and has been a constant for many years in a row. However, the situation is different in the digital environment: the supply has decreased significantly due to the exit of foreign platforms or the deactivation of advertising tools. The industry solution for delivering TV signals over the Internet to any personal device will allow to mitigate and compensate for the loss of a major part of the digital video inventory.
Digital TV combines the best of both environments: safe premium content, typical for classic TV, and personalized viewing as an attribute of digital advertising.
According to the speaker, interesting new solutions are emerging in the advertising market, but players are rather slow to implement them in their advertising activities. In particular, OTT broadcasting of TV channels has been around for about three years, but only 10–15% of advertisers[1]use it systematically, while the rest ignore the new trend.

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