Gazprom-Media Sales House, 2x2 TV channel and Kaspersky Lab launch a new Cybercringe project main photo
September 05, 2022

Gazprom-Media Sales House, 2x2 TV channel and Kaspersky Lab launch a new Cybercringe project

Viewers of the 2x2 universe will improve their cybersecurity skills and receive free protection from Kaspersky Lab for two months.

The 2x2 TV channel, the Gazprom-Media Sales House, and Kaspersky Lab have developed an interactive cross-media project about absurd violations of simple Internet security rules. The advertising campaign began on August 25 on the air, on the channel’s website, and on its official social media accounts. Teaming up against “cybercringe,” the project teams released a series of animated videos and created an interactive landing page with a “cringe receiver” bot.
The 2x2 channel will air stylized videos depicting disastrous behavior on the Internet until the end of October. There are three fascinating cartoons about heroes who fall for cyber threats. Maya, a fitness blogger, downloads a dubious app to gain followers, and as a result, her profile is hacked and blocked. Gamer Sanya enters his bank card details on an unsafe site and all the funds are taken from his account. His mother Lydia, upset about her son’s mistake, makes a mistake herself by clicking on a phishing link. Stories like this can happen to anyone who lets their guard down online.
The special project of the 2x2 TV channel and Kaspersky Lab calls for the observance of Internet security rules, helps promote “anti-cybercringe,” and explains the capabilities of the brand’s product. Every viewer will be able to get a free 60-day license for Kaspersky Internet Security for 2 devices.
The project page features a “cringe receiver”—a bot with which audiences can share stories about the most reckless behaviors on the Internet. All stories that pass moderation will be posted to 2x2’s group on Vkontakte. The authors of the top five stories will receive loot boxes from Kaspersky Lab and the 2x2 TV channel. The most epic cybercringe story, as chosen by the 2x2 audience, will receive a film adaptation and be broadcast on the channel for a week. Everyone who votes will receive unique cringe stickers.

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