When developing and planning the promotion of financial products, we pay great attention to surveying our potential clients’ needs. We regularly conduct various studies to identify changes in the behavior of the target audience. One of our latest studies has shown that credit cards are increasingly perceived and used as substitutes for debit cards: more than 50% of cardholders use them to pay for everyday expenses such as groceries, transport, ordering food, and so on. This has been influenced by the extension of the interest-free period, free service, and loyalty programs, among other things. Therefore, in planning the advertising campaign, it was important for us not only to reach a wide audience, but also to take their changing needs into account. We are always looking for new tools and solutions to improve effectiveness in promoting our products. Certainly, we have used the content targeting available on Smart TV before, but that only indirectly allowed us to understand users’ interests. The use of big data in IPTV has opened up new opportunities for targeting TV advertisement, taking the individual needs of users interested in the product into account. This allowed us to significantly reduce non-targeted contacts and improve placement efficiency.
For a long time, there have been no tools on the Russian market that allowed advertising campaigns on TV and in the digital space with a single targeting and performance evaluation and without dividing the audience into viewers and users. The world is continuously developing: TV signal delivery technologies are being improved, household audience data is emerging, and targeting and conversion tools are being developed for the traditional television audience. We are glad that new opportunities are being added to the advertiser’s toolkit, and we, as a Sales House, are actively involved in the implementation of the first examples on our platforms.
Today, millions of Russians watch TV via set-top boxes connected to the network. This combination of television and Internet has opened up new opportunities for targeting on TV. Huge amounts of anonymized data on purchases in supermarkets and digital interests can now be compared with TV viewing to focus direct TV advertising on a specific target audience. This approach offers TV advertisement a new life and makes its effectiveness clearly measurable. We have learned not only to create narrow target audience segments for specific client requests, but also to compare the IDs of those who see an advertisement on TV and who make purchases in stores during a certain period. Advertisers will therefore be able to see concrete returns from TV campaigns.
Over the past three years, interactive advertisement, as a tool at the junction of TV and the digital space, has become an integral part of the advertising splits of most large clients. New targeting opportunities have emerged thanks to our integration with our colleagues at Platforma, which significantly expands our range of tools with the dynamic adaptation of advertising messages to viewers’ interests and the ability to target narrow or specific segments. These new features make the tool more attractive to a broad audience of advertisers. It is especially pleasing that VTB has been the first to test the new opportunities in the financial sector.
Over the past three years, interactive advertisement, as a tool at the junction of TV and the digital space, has become an integral part of the advertising splits of most large clients. New targeting opportunities have emerged thanks to our integration with our colleagues at Platforma, which significantly expands our range of tools with the dynamic adaptation of advertising messages to viewers’ interests and the ability to target narrow or specific segments. These new features make the tool more attractive to a broad audience of advertisers. It is especially pleasing that VTB has been the first to test the new opportunities in the financial sector.
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