A case study by Detskoe Radio and SberKids: A cross-media campaign in the digital audio format main photo
September 28, 2021

A case study by Detskoe Radio and SberKids: A cross-media campaign in the digital audio format

SberBank pays special attention to the development of financial awareness among its youngest clients. In cooperation with the Gazprom-Media Sales House, the SberMarketing agency, and Detskoe Radio, the company launched “Petya and SberCat”, a multi-episode podcast telling the story of a child’s adventures in the country of money. To promote the product, the partners implemented an innovative advertising campaign in the digital audio format and presented it at the National Advertising Forum.

According to Statista, traditional radio in Russia reaches 72,000,000 listeners, which remains more than digital music’s outreach of 25,200,000. Acting on the assumption that the outreach rate of a radio station is broader than that of digital media, SberBank and Detskoe Radio developed a cross-media campaign in which the listener’s path through the funnel from a radio station broadcast to digital platforms was thought out for the first time ever. This innovative approach helped to engage the target audience and more precisely calculate the effectiveness of the campaign.


  • Development of financial awareness among the child audience
  • Native advertising of the SberKids app with a children’s bank card
  • Consolidation of radio and digital to promote the podcast



The project team implemented the idea of creating a children’s educational program composed of ten fairy stories. Every episode of the podcast describes the boy Petya’s exciting journey to the magic world of money. Petya is always accompanied by SberCat, a cat who is an expert in financial awareness and a loyal friend.
The story of adventures in the country of money tell young listeners about the history of banks and what they do for people. Together with the heroes of these interesting stories, children become familiar with the rules of cybersecurity and learn to save money and properly use it.


SberMarketing was responsible for the development and management of the media plan for the advertising campaign. “Petya and SberCat” was launched on Detskoe Radio. The radio station included ten originals and ten replays of the program, lasting from 290 to 390 seconds, in its schedule. The radio version natively mentioned the SberKids app, which is installed on the main character’s smartphone. Other podcast stories on digital platforms were suggested at the end of each release.
The radio station’s grid also integrated 102 announcement clips. They announced that “Petya and SberCat” could be heard on-air on Detskoe Radio, on SberSound, on Yandex.Music, and on other digital platforms.
The commercials for “Petya and SberCat” were incorporated into three releases of “Hrum, or Fairy Detective”, a proprietary Detskoe Radio podcast presented on various digital platforms. The monthly outreach of this podcast exceeds 1,000,000 listens, and the target audience is ideal for the promotion of the “Petya and SberCat” podcast.
The audio releases and cover with the SberKids logo were posted in the podcast format on the Detskoe Radio website and YouTube channel, on Yandex.Music, on Google Podcasts, on Apple Podcasts, on SberSound, and on other podcast platforms.
Promotion was additionally realized through advertisements on Instagram, VKontakte, Yandex.Direct, and YouTube, and through the bank’s channels (e-mail newsletters and digest for employees with children).


According to IAB Europe, advertising spending on digital audio in Russia increased by 18.8% from 2019 to 2020. The case of SberKids and Detskoe Radio also reflects the demand for this format and show the results that can be achieved through the consolidation of radio and digital platforms.
Advertising campaign period: June 24, 2021—July 31, 2021
Radio indicators:
  • more than 19,080,000 listens via Detskoe Radio broadcasts
  • more than 10,360,000 listens of podcast commercials via Detskoe Radio broadcasts
Digital indicators:
  • more than 500,000 podcast listens on all digital platforms with a completion rate over 75%
  • more than 340,000 listens of commercials integrated into releases of proprietary Detskoe Radio podcast
  • more than 9,300,000 advertisement impressions on social media and digital platforms
The number of podcast listens on digital platforms continues to grow following the completion of the advertising campaign. The organic growth of the indicators for “Petya and SberCat” is an evidence that audience interest remains and a confirmation of the quality of the content. According to statistical data, from the beginning of August to September 22, 2021, with no advertising promotion, the podcast was listened to more than 100,000 times on all digital platforms.

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