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Ekaterina Veselkova


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Alina Efimova

Deputy CEO of Sales and Business Development

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Alexey Filia

Director of Strategy and Advertising Product Development Department

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Marina Turova

Director of Sales and TV Channels Communications

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Denis Sotnikov

Director of Sports Project Sales

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Lanna Antonova

Commercial Director, NTV

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Maria Smirnova

Director of Radio Sales

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Alexey Krupenin

Director of Digital Advertising Sales Department

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Ekaterina Kutsyna

Director for Digital Platforms Development

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Natalia Struts

Head of Analytics and Sales Support

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Olga Timofeeva

Head of Marketing and Research

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Tatiana Krylova

Director of Finance and Operational Efficiency

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Vera Leonova

HR partner

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Ilya Popov

Deputy CEO of Regional Advertising

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Ekaterina Sivoratchenko

Head of Agency Group

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Yulia Andryushova

Director of Business Communications and Analytics, GPM Radio, Expert of Gazprom-Media Sales House

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